
Thursday, March 17, 2011


Life isn't ab0ut finding y0urself. Life is ab0ut creating y0urself. Mistake are a part 0f being human. Appreciate y0ur mistakes f0r what they are, preci0us life less0ns that can 0nly be learned the hard way. Until y0u value y0urself y0u will n0t value y0ur time. Until y0u value y0ur time, y0u will not d0 anything with it. Life c0mes at us fr0m 0ut 0f the darkness And at times we can struggle t0 find the c0urage t0 face it. When life c0mes rushing at y0u fr0m 0ur 0f the darkness, wh0 will y0u ch0ose t0 face it with? Will it be s0me0ne y0u trust? Will they be wise? And will their l0ve f0r y0u help them t0 guide y0u t0 the light? 0r will they l0se their way in the darkness? Will they make n0ble ch0ices? 0r will that pers0n be s0me0ne untested, s0me new? Life c0mes rushing at y0u from 0ut 0f the darkness, when it there s0me0ne in y0ur life y0u can c0unt 0n? s0me0ne wh0 will watch 0ver y0u when y0u stumble and fall? And it that m0ment, give y0u the strength t0 face y0ur fears al0ne?

Life has taught us that l0ve d0es n0t c0nsist in gazing at each 0ther but in l0oking 0utward t0gether in the same directi0n. Life g0es by as fast as the surf breaks. When it reaches the beach, it has bec0me a mem0ry. Life at any time can bec0me difficult. Life at any time can bec0me easy. G0od 0r bad, they are seas0ns 0n life. It all depends up0n, h0w y0u take 0n life and adjust t0 these seas0n. Life d0esn't give y0u the pe0ple y0u want, it gives y0u the pe0ple y0u need, t0 l0ve y0u, y0 hate y0u, t0 make y0u, t0 break y0u and t0 make y0u the pers0n y0u were meant t0 be..Life is a great, it is full 0f surprises, it may c0me in small 0r big package. The way we see life defines 0ur character With G0d's grace, let us make it w0rthy and pr0sper. Life is n0t measured by the number 0f breaths we take, but by the number 0f m0ments that we take 0ur breath away.. s0 never take s0me0ne f0r granted. Hold every pers0n cl0se t0 y0ur heart because y0u might wake up 0ne day and realize that y0u've l0st a diam0nd while y0u were t0o busy c0llecting st0nes... d0 what makes y0u happy, be with wh0 makes y0u smile, Laugh as much as y0u breathe and l0ve as l0ng as y0u live.. make y0ur life m0re valuable and meaningful f0r y0u t0 be happier... (^_^)

Sudah baca? Bagilah komen sikit...Smile hehe ^_^


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