
Thursday, March 24, 2011

8 steps t0 f0rget s0me0ne

Romantic relationships can be really complicated and end up in a bad breakup. The worst thing about these "sad endings" is that at least one heart ends up broken. Getting over a break up can be tough. Sometimes, it's even hard for both sides--after all, breaking up is not easy to do. It hurts to throw away your story with someone--all the good memories and the dreams and plans you two had for the future. Mending a broken heart takes time and patience. But you must face the fact that your heart is broken. It doesn't matter if you wish things could be different or if you even regret something you did. It doesn't matter if you think you shouldn't have become that involved with that person or if you're angry and looking for revenge. The fact is: Your heart is broken! 

Even if the only thing you want to do is win your partner back, when a relationship is truly over, it's time to begin the healing process.  

So now what? Are you going to sit and cry for the rest of your life or do you intend to do something? Was that ending your fault or are you not the one to blame? Is there something you can do to fix it? Is there something you should stop and think about so you can act in a better way the next time 'round? Is mending a broken heart even possible? Of course it is! With this relationship advice, getting over a break up is possible. There are many things you can do to heal a broken heart! And the best thing is: It all depends on you! Here's how to forget someone in 8 steps.

Step 1
Cry out everything you have to cry about! When we get hurt, it's normal (and good) to cry. Don't ever think you're being weak for crying and don't feel embarrassed because of it! It's normal and it's good! When you cry, you let go of part of your anger and hurt so you can feel less heavy. You can lock yourself in a room, if you want to, and put on some sad music...but let yourself feel the pain and cry so you can let it go. The main thing here is: Get rid of the pain! Just let her go!
Step 2
Get busy! When you're trying to get someone out of your head, you need to put other things inside of it. In other words...get busy! It doesn't matter how, you just need to get distracted. Go to a movie, watch a play, travel. It doesn't matter what are you going to do--the important thing is to find something to do. Find a hobby, find something you enjoy doing, something to keep your mind busy. If your mind is busy, it doesn't have time or space to think about the person you're trying to forget.
Step 3
Spend some time with your friends. Friends are always great to have in this kind of situation! Friends can make you feel good about yourself and get you distracted very easily. They will certainly make you laugh and make you see that you're way more important than you think! The only warning is: Ask them not to talk about the person you're trying to forget. If they start bringing the topic up in every conversation, you won't be able to forget, and instead of making you laugh, they're going to make you cry. So be honest and ask them not to talk about it!
Step 4
Avoid the person! Try not to go to places you know you can meet that person. When you're trying to forget someone and you two keep seeing each other, it gets hard to get over it. If you meet him/her somewhere, just be nice and kind, but find an excuse to go away as fast as you can! If you work or study with him/her and you can't avoid seeing him/her, just try not to look and not to talk too much. Just be gentle and keep busy all the time so you won't have excuses to look at him/her or to chat.
Step 5
Go out and see some different faces! Being at home gives you more time to think about it, which makes the process even more difficult. So even if you're not feeling excited or you're in a bad mood, just put on your best clothes, best shoes, best smile, call some friends and go somewhere nice where you can dance, drink, listen to some music. And the most important: See some different faces! When you go out, you notice that the person you're trying to forget is not the only one who's got a perfect smile and an amazing voice...thank god, there are other interesting people around the world, too!
Step 6
Avoid every kind of romantic thing! If you're trying to forget someone, you'd better not watch romantic movies or listen to romantic makes you feel bad and you will certainly remember the person you're trying to get rid of. It doesn't matter if it's a song you love or if it's playing on the radio...just change the station or do something else! Put on some happy songs, dancing songs, watch some comedies, terror movies, just need to avoid the romantic things for now!
Step 7
Take good care of yourself. Women tend to run for some kind of self-destruction when they're hurt. If we break up our perfect relationship, then we have no reason to get our nails done anymore and the only thing that gives us comfort is chocolate and sugar. That way, the only thing we do is to become less attractive and lessen our self-confidence. So if you're hurt, just try to use your pain for yourself instead of against you. Go to the gym, work out a lot, get your nails and hair whatever you can so you can feel more pretty and confident!

Step 8
Accept the process! You can be really strong and it's still going to hurt. The process takes time and you have to accept that! You can't hope to forget in 2 days someone you loved for 2 years...and you can't pretend to be strong if you feel like crying. Just face your pain and accept that it's not easy and it's going to take some time. When you're patient with yourself and your situation, things tend to get easier...

Well, of course, forgetting someone is not easy to do nor is it easily explained in just 8 steps. But there are some things that make the process a lot smoother. As I said, it takes time and it's hard but I'm sure you can do it! The only thing that is really, really important is: It all depends on you! Don' ever forget that! If you want to forget someone, then you will, there is no doubt! Even if it takes a long time, even if you have to be really will be! In that kind of situation we usually find out that we are a lot stronger than we give ourselves credit for! So believe that. Believe that, take a deep breath and move on! Your life's waiting for you, ^_^

Sudah baca? Bagilah komen sikit...Smile hehe ^_^

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Life isn't ab0ut finding y0urself. Life is ab0ut creating y0urself. Mistake are a part 0f being human. Appreciate y0ur mistakes f0r what they are, preci0us life less0ns that can 0nly be learned the hard way. Until y0u value y0urself y0u will n0t value y0ur time. Until y0u value y0ur time, y0u will not d0 anything with it. Life c0mes at us fr0m 0ut 0f the darkness And at times we can struggle t0 find the c0urage t0 face it. When life c0mes rushing at y0u fr0m 0ur 0f the darkness, wh0 will y0u ch0ose t0 face it with? Will it be s0me0ne y0u trust? Will they be wise? And will their l0ve f0r y0u help them t0 guide y0u t0 the light? 0r will they l0se their way in the darkness? Will they make n0ble ch0ices? 0r will that pers0n be s0me0ne untested, s0me new? Life c0mes rushing at y0u from 0ut 0f the darkness, when it there s0me0ne in y0ur life y0u can c0unt 0n? s0me0ne wh0 will watch 0ver y0u when y0u stumble and fall? And it that m0ment, give y0u the strength t0 face y0ur fears al0ne?

Life has taught us that l0ve d0es n0t c0nsist in gazing at each 0ther but in l0oking 0utward t0gether in the same directi0n. Life g0es by as fast as the surf breaks. When it reaches the beach, it has bec0me a mem0ry. Life at any time can bec0me difficult. Life at any time can bec0me easy. G0od 0r bad, they are seas0ns 0n life. It all depends up0n, h0w y0u take 0n life and adjust t0 these seas0n. Life d0esn't give y0u the pe0ple y0u want, it gives y0u the pe0ple y0u need, t0 l0ve y0u, y0 hate y0u, t0 make y0u, t0 break y0u and t0 make y0u the pers0n y0u were meant t0 be..Life is a great, it is full 0f surprises, it may c0me in small 0r big package. The way we see life defines 0ur character With G0d's grace, let us make it w0rthy and pr0sper. Life is n0t measured by the number 0f breaths we take, but by the number 0f m0ments that we take 0ur breath away.. s0 never take s0me0ne f0r granted. Hold every pers0n cl0se t0 y0ur heart because y0u might wake up 0ne day and realize that y0u've l0st a diam0nd while y0u were t0o busy c0llecting st0nes... d0 what makes y0u happy, be with wh0 makes y0u smile, Laugh as much as y0u breathe and l0ve as l0ng as y0u live.. make y0ur life m0re valuable and meaningful f0r y0u t0 be happier... (^_^)

Sudah baca? Bagilah komen sikit...Smile hehe ^_^


Euthanasia comes from a Greek word whose approximate English translation is good death. It is our observation that those who espouse "euthanasia" in reality favor an imposed death-not a good death.
Euthanasia is often defined by its supporters as helping an individual who is suffering to die with dignity. It is often considered the merciful thing to do. It is referred to as physician assisted suicide, mercy killing, physician aid in dying, imposed death or other names.
Euthanasia is the killing of people whose lives have value. These people all have immeasurable value because they have been created in the image and likeness of God. Unfortunately, these people, either alone or with the help of their close family and friends, have been convinced that their lives have no meaning and are no longer worth living.
Usually, individuals who have life-threatening illnesses or other life-altering physical ailments are targeted for imposed death. The use of assisted suicide is now being expanded to include many other individuals-people whose lives, in the eyes of society, are not worth living.
Euthanasia is claiming the lives people whose "quality of life" has been judged by others to be worthy only of death-whether they have an illness, a handicap, or severe mental illness.
Should everyone be able to decide for himself when it is their time to go? And when should someone be able to decide for us? That may sound alarmist-but it's already happening.

The Position of Medicine, Theology and Law on Euthanasia
Active, direct or positive euthanasia is forbidden by law, and by most doctors and theologians. Under the common law it is murder or manslaughter in English-speaking countries, regardless of compassionate motives or consent of the victim.
To withhold or withdraw ordinary means of sustaining life is equivalent to direct or active euthanasia. Thus this is direct killing and consequently should be forbidden by medicine, theology and law. Killing patients by withdrawing food and fluids has been advocated by some theologians, physicians and courts.
To withhold or withdraw extraordinary means of sustaining life is not forbidden as such by medicine, theology or law.
When it is necessary for the comfort of the dying patient to give drugs to alleviate pain even though they may indirectly shorten his life or deprive him of the use of reason, it is neither active euthanasia nor is it forbidden by medicine, theology or law. Proper use of painkillers can relieve pain without destroying reasoning power.

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